Cloud Storage Options
If you decide cloud storage is something you want to integrate into your dbell, there are several different free options to consider.
Offsite NVR: You can stream video directly from your dbell HD Live over the internet to an NVR located off-site for video storage. The NVR acts as the server in a cloud (offsite). Alternatively, it is also possible to have 2 NVR’s where one NVR acts as Primary and other NVR acts as the Secondary or cloud storage. Primary NVR is on the same site as the dbell HD live. The secondary NVR taps into video streams from the primary NVR or use the 2nd stream from dbell HD Live for backup of video in real time.
Onsite NVR: You can stream video directly from your dbell HD Live over the intranet to an NVR located on-site for video storage. dbell HD Live works with most ONVIF compatible NVR in the market. To learn more click here
Personal FTP Server: Using free software like FileZilla you can transform your PC or Mac into an FTP server that your dbell HD Live can upload video and/or snapshots to. Video can be uploaded continuously or when activated by motion or sound detection.
Free FTP Server: There are various free FTP server for IP camera is available. If you would like, you may chose one.
Using FTP Server on NAS
Some brands of NAS drive like QNAP and Synology has built-in FTP server function. You can enable FTP server on your NAS drive and configure a FTP server on your NAS drive.
dbell FTP Server: You can use dbell cloud storage or dbell FTP. To register, visit dbell cloud
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