This is the area where you would setup your email, in order to receive messages from your dbell.
To do this, make sure that "Email Event Photo" is toggled ON. This will make sure that whenever an "event" such as motion detection is triggered, a snapshot picture will be taken and sent to the email you set up.
How to get to this page:
1. Selet Settings
2. Select "Advanced Settings."
3. Select "Email settings"
1. Your Email: Email address which should be used to send email from dbell
2. Email Password: Your email password
3. SMTP server : Outgoing email server
4. SMTP port: Outgoing email server port
5. Authentication: Must be enabled
6. Encryption: Here you can select an email encryption type. Encryption is a type of protection for your email so that someone else does not read your email. Find which encryption method your mail server uses and enter that port here.
7. Add email: Select this to add another email you'd like to be notified when an event occurs
8. Email Event Photo: Toggling this option on, will give permission to send a photo to your email each time an "event" occurs.
Send Test Message on 2 emails: Once you have filled out your email information, you can test if everything is working properly by sending a test message to your email. If you have 2 emails that you have given, the the test will be sent out to both emails.
If you use Gmail, select SSL for encryption, Port 587.
Using gmail while 2-factor authentication is enabled.
How to use the secure SMTP server while keeping 2-factor authentication enabled. It works by generating a token normally used for authentication in web applications which can be used as the password for the SMTP connection.
Create a custom app in you Gmail security settings.
1. Log-in into Gmail with your account
2. Navigate to
3. In 'select app' choose 'custom', give it an arbitrary name and press generate
4. It will give you a 16 character token which you can then use as password for in the dbell SMTP configuration.
If you are gmail email user and would like to receive email from dbell, you need to allow less secure apps in your gmail account from here
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