This section allows you to change the date and time that's displayed on the dbell stream. Whenever you take a video or picture, this time will be shown on the saved message. This could be important in criminal cases or for leisure, simply knowing when the recording happened.
How to access this page:
1. From your main screen, select "Settings"
2. Select "Date & Time."
dbell Date: Tap to change the date that will be displayed on the dbell video.
dbell Time: Tap to change the time that will be displayed on the dbell video.
Time Zone: This option lets you chose the time zone you live in and will keep that zone in order to have a calibrated time at all times.
NTP calibration: This option lets you calibrate the time through NTP server.
Sync with your phone: Another option is to synchronize your phone with the dbell. By checking this on, the time on your phone will be synchronized with your dbell.
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