If you are using dbellcloud service, you do not need to do any setup on this page. if you are using your own FTP server, follow the instructions below.
When a user register his/her account - an FTP account is created on dbellcloud.com website and associated with the app.
With free account you get limited number of images only for a limited time period. You can upgrade to premium to keep the history for longer period as per the plan.
If you would like to use your own FTP account, Enter your FTP server address and credentials in the format shown below, Save it. If it doesn't work, add a domain after the user name, e.g, if user name is testftp, enter testftp@gmail.com as FTP user name.
If you'd like to purchase dbell cloud, please go to dbellcloud.com to update your account. Its affordable and easy to setup.
How to reach this page:
1. From your main screen, select "Settings" on the dbell you would like to check the settings on.
2. Select "Storage & Cloud."
3. Select "FTP."
FTP Server: In this section write the FTP server you're attempting to connect. Format could be as simple as writing FTP server IP address, like 12.345.678.90, no need to write FTP:// or anything like that.
FTP Username: If you use your own FTP server, follow your server login credentials. If you are using dbellcloud service, you do not need to do setup on this page. dbell app generates this info upon user registration.
To login to dbellcloud.com using web browser - use the user name and password you receive via email.
FTP Password: FTP password goes here.
Test Connection: By pressing "Test Connection" the system will test whether or not all the information is valid and a proper connection is established.
Upload event photo on cloud: With this toggle you are able to allow the system to upload a photo to your cloud service or not. SD card must be present in dbell for FTP upload to work.
Save: Selecting this will save all the changes you have done on this page.
Unlink this FTP server: Selecting this will unlink your device from the cloud you were previously connected to.
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